"Keeping the Memory Alive on an S (1:64 scale) Model Railroad"
The BC&G was an 18.6 mile long coal-hauling shortline that operated in central West Virginia in its original form from 1904 through 1963, and then in an abbreviated form through February 1965. It was reincarnated on several occasions since. It was a fascinating railroad and an ideal railroad for modeling. This website represents the compilation of information gathered over a period of over 40 years, information that was gathered to aid me in the construction of "S" scale (1:64) model railroads depicting the BC&G.
The purpose of this site is to be a single collection point for information about the BC&G and the ERC&L, particularly previously unpublished information. This site now contains a significant number of new photos, drawings and stories about the railroad that have not previously been in the public domain. Collectively the information presented here will allow modelers to construct and operate accurate layouts of this fascinating railroad. For a list of all those who have made contributions to the site, see "ABOUT THE SITE".
The information presented here will be of value to those with an interest in the BC&G, logging lines and Appalachian shortlines in general, but it's particularly aimed at those interested in modeling the BC&G and the logging railroad of the BC&G's parent company, the Elk River Coal & Lumber Company.
The site is a living document, so If you have comments, questions or information to add to this collection, please go to the CONTACT ME page.
Brooks Stover
September 2024
If you have questions or comments about this site, or information or photos to add to it, I'd love to hear from you. Please click here..............................
Connie Acree has identified the crewmemembers in the original photo (above left) taken on February 27,1965, the last day of operations.
L to R: Ralph Acree (Connie's dad), Jobe Young, Ab Wilson (Connie's great uncle), Carsel Hamrick, Moon Mullins and Sammy Burkhammer. The fellow on the far right is unknown.
On November 4, 1995 an event was held at the North Carolina Transportation Museum in Spencer, NC commorating the 30th anniversary of BC&G Engine #4's final run from Swandale (photo near right). Engine #4 was at the NCTM in tourist service lettered as Southern #604. For the reunion, she was restored to her BC&G livery and several hundred BC&G faithful enjoyed seeing the engine in service again. The photo on the far right was taken that weekend with members of the organizing effort poised to duplicate the famous photo on the left taken 30 years earlier. Amazingly, both photos were taken by the same photographer, Larry Fellure. In the reproduction photo, Bob Withers is second from left, Frank Criswell third from left and Brooks Stover is at the far right. It was a weekend all in attendance will long remember!
BC&G #4 Underway At Spencer
November 1995
You can send me an email (HERE) and let me know if you find the site useful or interesting.
2/13/25 - I posted photos of a recently completed model of USS Burleigh, a Navy attack transport ship.
1/12/25 - Added photos of a recently completed model of WM #6414, one of the engines leased by Majestic Mining that operated on BC&G trackage in the 1970s.
12/2/24 - I added photos of some more BC&G models with explanations about how they were built in S (scroll to bottom of page)
11/30/24 - Added photos of a model of the USS Oregon (BB-3), pre-dreadnaught batttleship.
Click on the highlighted phrases to connect to the pages with new information then look for the with the date corresponding to the posting.
The Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad
The 'odometer' has rolled over. Add 100,000 to this number!
I have prepared an illustrated MODEL RAILROADER'S GUIDE TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY to assist other modelers in photographing their models and layouts. Click on the link to the left to access the 34-page GUIDE which covers all aspects of model photography from definitions and principles to a hands-on guide to camera settings.
Sign and View GUEST BOOK Here!
Number 4 is currently owned by the Durbin & Greenbriar RR of West Virginia, the firm that now operates the Cass Scenic Rwy. #4 is undergoing a complete renovation and Cody Burdette reports that a new boiler is going to be constructed for the locomotive.
The NOVEMBER 2022 issue of RAILROAD MODEL CRAFTSMAN includes a feature article about my current BC&G S scale model railroad. The 8-page articl includes photographs taken on railfan visits to the railroad in the summer of 1964. Each is taken from a vantage point not normally visible to someone looking at the layout.
The BC&G in
The BC&G is also featured in Kalmbach's GREAT MODEL RAILROADS 2023!
BC&G LAYOUT is on YouTube!
Watch a series of 13 short videos covering all the major scenes and trains on the layout!
Be sure and leave a comment if you see something you like!
ERC&L #4 simmers quietly between moves while shuffling cars at the Swandale sawmill. The engine started out as a Bachmann On30 Climax. The L&N boxcar is from American Models, custom painted with Tichy decals. This scene was photographed on my current 12' X2 5' layout
"My book is about growing up in a railroad family. My Dad was a railroad engineer so I got to do what most boys dream of...I got to ride in steam locomotives cabs with my Dad. He would even let me run them sometimes. I went to work on the railroad right out of high school in 1956. I ended my railroad career on the Cass Scenic Railroad in W.Va. I collect and restore old steam locomotive whistles."Cody Burdette
CODY BURDETTE has written a book!
Former Elk River Coal & Lumber employee and long-time contributor to this website, Cody Burdette, has published a book about his life with railroading. The book is available now on Amazon.
In the MAY 2024 issue of RAILROAD MODEL CRAFTSMAN you'll find an article about how Climax #4 arrived on the ERC&L property. The story is based on the tale that Cody Burdette tells of how Cherry River Boom & Lumber Shays #2 and #7 were delivered to the BC&G via the B&O.
Other Modeling:
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For information on how I built models of BC&G's locomotives and rolling stock, as well as locomotives and cabooses of Majestic Mining in S (1:64 scale), click here.